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Update – Search Committee for the Next President of Yale

September 27, 2023

Dear Members of the Yale Community,

After incorporating your comments and recommendations, and consulting with other university leaders, we are excited to announce the faculty participants of the search committee for the next president of Yale. We are deeply grateful to these four faculty members for being willing to serve on the search committee. They are deeply engaged with our community and have been involved in a broad range of multidisciplinary teaching, research, and scholarly initiatives to advance Yale’s mission. They are committed to our university and have the experience and expertise to learn from all members of the Yale community and bring what they hear from you to their deliberations on the search committee.

The following four faculty members are joining the search committee:

  • Steven Berry, David Swensen Professor of Economics, Professor of Management, and Faculty Director of the Tobin Center for Economic Policy
  • Daniel Colón-Ramos, Dorys McConnell Duberg Professor of Neuroscience and Cell Biology and Director of the Wu Tsai Institute’s Center for Neurodevelopment and Plasticity
  • Jacqueline Goldsby, Thomas E. Donnelley Professor of African American Studies and of English and Professor of American Studies
  • Anjelica Gonzalez, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty Director of Tsai CITY, and Head of Davenport College

As I announced in August, I am chairing the search committee alongside vice-chairs Catharine Bond Hill, ’85 Ph.D., and William Kennard, ’81 J.D. Other committee members include Ann Miura-Ko, ’98 B.S.; Joshua Steiner, ’87 B.A.; David Sze, ’88 B.A.; Marta Tellado, ’02 Ph.D.; and Michael Warren, ’90 B.A.

I want to thank those of you who have taken the time to provide your input to the search committee. The other trustees and I have received a number of emails and webform entries from you about faculty members who should serve on the search committee, your vision for the future of Yale, and the qualities and qualifications we should consider for the next president of Yale.

We appreciate your suggestions and comments so far, hope you will continue to provide us your ideas, and look forward to hearing from you in listening sessions and other formal and informal meetings in the coming months. This week, the search committee is holding listening sessions for all students, faculty, and staff. You can find times and locations of listening sessions and other information on the presidential search website. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to share your comments and recommendations with us through the webforms or by writing to


Josh Bekenstein, ’80 B.A.
Senior Trustee
Chair, Presidential Search Committee